News: Datapac has changed the location and telephone numbers
Datapac s.r.o. has moved into new premises and the location was officially changed and registered on 1/10/2016.
Our new location and invoice address is:
Datapac s.r.o.
Elektrárenská 1394/4
831 04 Bratislava
Postal address:
Datapac s.r.o.
IP Centrum
Elektrárenská 4, Blok B
831 04 Bratislava
Along with the location, the landlines have changed as well and are as follows:
Reception: +421 2 3923 7000
Helpdesk: +421 2 3923 7001
The numbers, which were used up to now, will be automatically redirected till 1th November 2016. All other invoice and identification information remain unchanged.
Sledujeme aktuálne trendy už dnes, aby sme zajtra mohli efektívne reagovať na požiadavky trhu. Nepretržite pokračujeme v inováciách našich produktov a riešení.
Kvalitnejšie, rýchlejšie a stabilnejšie riešenia nám robia nesmiernu radosť. Jednoduché rozhrania zas nadchnú našich zákazníkov.